India Vs pakistan Rain update

As per weather reports, thunderstorms were predicted on Saturday in Kandy which could affect the match between India and Pakistan. September is traditionally a rainy month in Kandy and the Pallekele stadium is located only half an hour away from the city.

Sri Lanka generally doesn't host a lot of international games in September, especially in this venue, due to the threat of rain. There is serious chances of rain interrupting, if not washing out, the India - Pakistan match.

 Chances of rain interrupting India vs Pakistan:

 India and Pakistan lock horns in the big-ticket clash of the Asia Cup 2023 on Saturday at the Pallekele International Cricket Stadium in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The Sporting News takes a look at how much rain we can expect on the big day in Kandy.

 The match starts at 3:00 pm IST and there are chances of rain pouring down in the evening. However, the chances of rain have slightly decreased.

 3:00 pm: 58%
 5:00 pm: 34% 
7:00 pm: 60% 
9:00 pm: 60% 

Weather forecast in Kandy: What happens if India vs Pakistan is stopped by rain? In case the match cannot be conducted due to a downpour, both teams will share a point each and Pakistan will qualify for the Super Four stage. Having won their first game by a margin of 238 runs, they will be favourites to reach the knockout as group winners.

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